
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for a country

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a critical step in the development of any platform, as it ensures that the platform meets the needs and requirements of its intended users. To ensure that UAT is completed successfully and efficiently, it is recommended that all parties involved - including the Unify specialist, the client or project stakeholder, and the ISV (Independent Software Vendor) - participate in UAT via a shared MS Teams calendar.

By conducting UAT collaboratively via MS Teams, all parties can communicate and coordinate effectively, ensuring that any issues or concerns are identified and addressed in a timely manner. This approach also allows for seamless collaboration and quick feedback, enabling the team to work together towards a successful UAT outcome.

The Unify specialist is responsible for guiding the UAT process and ensuring that all necessary tests are conducted. The project stakeholder is responsible for verifying that the platform meets their requirements and that it functions as intended. The ISV is responsible for ensuring that their software is integrated correctly and functions as intended within the platform.

Collaborative Project Delivery
Unify adheres to the 6 Eyes Principle, ensuring the delivery of a client project is a collaborative effort involving Unify, developers, and local marketing in a triangular relationship. This cooperative approach is solidified through joint meetings where all parties come together to discuss, strategize, and implement solutions that cater to the client's needs. By fostering open communication and collaboration, Unify aims to deliver high-quality results that meet and exceed client expectations.

Getting started
Step 1: Schedule a UAT (User Acceptance Testing) appointment using the following link: https://cal.com/pietersmit/unify-uat
Step 2: Invite your developer and local marketing lead to participate in the meeting.
Step 3: Ensure that all relevant information and details listed below are known and understood by all parties involved.

The checklist

  1. Implement IQVIA TPA
  2. Incorporate localized zipcode regex
  3. Finalize translations, and secondary language if applicable
  4. Define professions/specialisms
  5. Conduct mail server test
  6. Set up domain according to Global IT strategy
  7. Establish profession groups, if applicable
  8. Import and link Fastcodes in Veeva
  9. Customize opt-in channels based on local requirements
  10. Confirm webmaster email address
  11. Ensure MLR compliance
  12. Test login functionality with at least one test site
  13. Verify no client data replication occurs, except for UnifyID
  14. Check local DPO email, medical email, support email
  15. Check Terms of Service URL
  16. Check Privacy Policy URL
  17. Check Support Page URL
  18. Profile page is mapped and working
  19. Timezone check

Test Plan:

  1. Login Process
  • Verify that the login page is displayed correctly and is easy to use
  • Test the login process using valid and invalid credentials
  • Verify that the user is redirected to the correct page after logging in
  1. Navigation
  • Test the navigation of the platform to ensure that it is easy to use and intuitive
  • Verify that all menu options and links work correctly
  • Test the search function to ensure that it provides accurate and relevant results
  1. Content
  • Test the platform's ability to display different types of content, such as text, images, and videos
  • Verify that all content is displayed correctly and is easy to read and understand
  • Test the platform's ability to display content in different formats, such as SCORM packages or HTML content
  1. Functionality
  • Test all the platform's features and functions, such as creating and editing content, managing users, and generating reports
  • Verify that all features and functions work correctly and are easy to use
  • Test any integrations with third-party tools or services to ensure that they function correctly
  1. Mobile Responsiveness
  • Test the platform's mobile responsiveness to ensure that it is optimized for mobile devices
  • Verify that all content and features are accessible and easy to use on mobile devices
  • Test the platform's ability to adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions
  1. Performance and Security
  • Test the platform's performance to ensure that it loads quickly and is responsive
  • Verify that the platform is secure and that user data is protected
  • Test the platform's ability to handle multiple users simultaneously

Acceptance Criteria:

  • All tests are completed successfully, with no critical errors identified
  • The platform meets all the requirements specified in the project brief
  • The platform is user-friendly, intuitive, and easy to use
  • All features and functions work correctly and are easy to use
  • The platform is mobile-responsive and performs well on different devices and screen sizes
  • The platform is secure and protects user data


Unify Europe

Pieter Smit Sales

Ankerweg 2

1041 AT


+31 88 44 70 000

Mon-Fri 9am-6pm CET


Unify LLC

Tara Tromp Sales

14425 Falcon Head Blvd.

Building E - Suite 100

Austin, TX 78738


Mon-Fri 9am-6pm CET


Unify LTD

Tjardo Druijven Sales

1-2-20 Kaigan

3/F Shiodome Building

Tokyo, 105-0022


Mon-Fri 9am-6pm CET

Unify is not affiliated with IQVIA or IQVIA's team, nor is it endorsed by or related to IQVIA. Unify is not affiliated with Veeva Systems or Veeva Systems's team, nor is it endorsed by or related to Veeva Systems. Unify is a division of SMIT. Digitaal vakmanschap BV. Crafted in Amsterdam.

© Unify LLC. All rights reserved.